What if you could learn to RESPOND instead of REACT?

Learn proven strategies to gracefully and resourceful take your power back.

Andrea will teach us her simple yet powerful strategy to navigate life; and how to access the best parts of both our masculine and feminine energy to get what we want and to gain awareness around the triggers and limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in old behavior patterns.

You'll discover Andrea's three-way solution that will help you:

  • NAME the source of your pain point
  • CLAIM resonant actions that align with your core values
  • and REFRAME your thinking so you can proceed with strategic and visionary optimism

You'll walk away with the tools you need to see and step into your POWER, your POTENTIAL, and the TRUTH that will light your way forward.

Presented by

Andrea Mein DeWitt
Author, Speaker, and Life Coach

June 6, 2023
12:00pm Pacific Time

Stop Reacting
Start Responding

Take Your Power Back Strategically, Gracefully and Resourcefully

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